Articles for tag: Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

Karla News

Jane Eyre – Not the Typical Governess

In 19th century England, being a governess was one of the few occupations considered suitable for an unmarried middle-class woman. It was typical and socially acceptable for single middle-class women to become governesses in order to support themselves and families, and to maintain their social status. As a governess, a woman was obligated to fulfil ...

Karla News

Gender Roles in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

Expectations are a part of daily life. One’s age, race, religion, physical appearance, speech, dress, hair color-all are factors by which, welcomed or not, people are labeled with certain expectations by other members of society. With nothing more than a glance, a young person might be labeled abrasive, an old person unkind, a person with ...

Karla News

The Jane Eyre Manifesto: A Marxist Hero for the British Empire

The peak of socialist ideology dawned during the industrial revolution when class divisions were constructed to rule the labor force. Charlotte Bronte places the protagonist, Jane Eyre, in the position between lower and upper class to critique social injustices. This world Bronte has created for her is polluted with tyranny, disease, deception, and a false ...

Karla News

Essay on Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre epitomized a classic coming of age fairy tale, similar to that of Charles Perrault’s Cinderella. Raised by a spiteful aunt, this Victorian novel portrayed a young girl struggling with conflicts between her moral beliefs and passion, as well as a desire to discover her inner strength. Despite Jane’s unfortunate beginnings, she ...

Karla News

Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre

Edward Rochester does not demonstrate the values of a typical romantic hero for several reasons. Firstly, if some of the values of a typical romantic hero are freedom, equality, integrity, and respect etc. Rochester possesses many qualities that are opposite of these. He is a different type of romantic hero with a somewhat dark character, ...

Karla News

The Best Movie Version of “Jane Eyre”

Hands down, the 1983 mini-series starring Timothy Dalton and Zelah Clarke is the best movie adaptation of Jane Eyre, the classic novel by Charlotte Bronte. This movie is very true to the book, and the actors were born to play their parts. Timothy Dalton makes the most of his theatrical training and experience, bringing to ...

Karla News

What is Cultural Materialism?

The term Cultural Materialism in literary theory and cultural studies was made current in 1985 when it was used by Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield who developed a methodology which included an analysis of any historical material (including literature) within a politicized framework. The four characteristics of their method concerning Cultural Materialism are: Historical context ...

Karla News

Adele’s Role in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

In the novel Jane Eyre, Adèle’s role is more important than simply being the initial reason that Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield. Adèle’s character seems so simple that most critics of Jane Eyre have almost completely ignored her significance in the novel. Although Adèle lacks a certain complexity portrayed in characters such as Jane Eyre, ...

Karla News

Jane Eyre: English-Literature Analysis

Q: “Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” is a typical product of the Victorian Literary and historical era.” How true do you think this is? Initially Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” may seem like the typical Gothic Victorian novel of its genre. However, we soon discover that in this novel, Bronte turns the Gothic traditions of her time upside ...

Karla News

Dalton’s Sultry Heathcliff a Classic

The Brontë sisters wrote a small number of pieces between the, compared with other authors of their time. That being said, they remain among the best known and most studied English novelists. Their works continue to be printed more than a hundred years later, and have inspired dozens of film and TV versions. Timothy Dalton ...