Articles for tag: Dry Socket, Invisalign, Oral Surgeon, Wisdom Teeth, Your Wisdom

Karla News

Invisalign: A Life-Changing Experience

When I was younger, I had horrible looking, crooked front teeth. Actually, my entire mouth was a mess, and I was in desperate need of orthodontic treatment. My first trip to the orthodontist was when I was 14 years old. I needed braces! What a surprise! So I went through 2 years of metal tearing ...

Karla News

Comparing Three Popular Styles of Dental Retainers

About 4.5 million people in the United States are wearing braces right now. Chances are, after they get their braces off, they will need some sort of retainer afterwards. Retainers are made of plastic, metal, or a combination of both to keep your teeth aligned once braces are removed. Just like a snowflake, no two ...

How to Adjust to Your New Essix Retainers

So, your braces are finally off, and your teeth are looking perfect. You think you’re home free…until your orthodontist presents you with your new set of clear retainers. Called Essix or Invisalign retainers, they are quickly replacing the more expensive traditional wire, or Hawley retainers. Though almost invisible once worn, adjusting to these retainers can ...

Keeping Your Invisalign Trays Clean and Fresh

I’ve been wearing Invisalign trays for about 3 months now, and I have gone through several different cleaning methods. Here are the techniques that worked for me and will work for you, too. Before I go over cleaning techniques, I’ll give you an overview on what exactly Invisalign is. Invisalign is a way to straighten ...

Karla News

Why Wearing Your Retainer is so Important

So it’s finally time to get your braces taken off, after months, maybe years, of wearing them. Congratulations! But there are a few things you need to know about post-orthodontic care for your teeth. Your orthodontist has probably already told you that you’ll be needing a retainer to keep your teeth straight and in line. ...

Karla News

Invisalign or Braces: Which is Better for Your Child?

For parents it may not really matter which one your child gets, just as long as it is covered by the insurance. But nowadays kids worry greatly about their appearance. With invisalign however comes a lot more responsibility, and there is a difference in the cost. This article helps to highlight some of the pros ...