Articles for tag: Cystitis, Cystoscopy, Interstitial Cystitis, Vulvodynia

Karla News

Interstitial Cystitis: Remedies for Comfort

What happens when you feel like you have a urinary tract infection and all the tests are negative? No infection, yet you have bladder pain, burning upon urination and just feel sick! You may have a condition called interstitial cystitis (IC) just like the doctor told me. IC is an inflammation of the bladder that ...

Oral Medications Used to Treat Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic disorder where the bladder is inflamed and has Hunner’s ulcers or hemorrhages. People with Interstitial Cystitis typically will experience frequent urination (up to 60 times a day for severe cases), pain and pressure in the lower abdomen, pelvic and vaginal area, and burning upon urination. Because of the pressure, Interstitial ...

Living with Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis is a very painful, debilitating chronic illness that unfortunately, there is no cure and the cause cannot be found as of this time. I believe that Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and IC Disease are all manifestations of the same illness. Affecting some of us with all three, while others may be only affected with ...

IC Disease: Bladder Instillation and Distention

Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic bladder disorder that can be disabling for some of its patients. Interstitial Cystitis occurs when the lining of the bladder, or bladder wall, becomes irritated and inflamed. Causes of Interstitial Cystitis are still unknown but the illness is linked to other chronic immune dysfunction related illnesses. Some of these include ...

Interstitial Cystitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Diagnoses of medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome seem to be on the rise here in the United States. The symptoms for these diseases are varied and many and most symptoms can be attributed to multiple disorders. Some medical professionals seem to use Fibromyalgia or one of the other ...

Foods to Avoid with Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic bladder disorder that causes severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, urinary frequency and urgency, pressure in the pelvic area, burning upon urination, bladder spasms, and an inflamed and irritated bladder. Other symptoms include muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and allergic reactions. There ...

Karla News

Personal Perspective of Endometriosis

I understand that of people that have endometriosis that every person may define this disease differently. Each person might have different symptoms, different areas that hurt, or even different types of pain: sharp, acute, or change throughout the day. I’ll have to say that I wouldn’t wish the pain of endometriosis on my worst enemy, ...

The Link Between Acidic Foods and Interstitial Cystitis

In her book, Solving the Interstitial Cystitis Puzzle: My Story of Discovery and Recovery”, Amrit Willis RN talks about the focus on an alkalizing diet. With chronic candida infections and food allergies constantly contributing to the problems that interstitial cystitis suffers face, she sums it up as: “In my search for my recovery from interstitial ...