Articles for tag: Brown V. Board of Education, Intercultural Communication

Karla News

An Overview about the Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a movement composed of varying studies and viewpoints about racial justice in America, with the goal of reaching beyond analysis to initiate social change. CRT originated in the mid-1970s when many African American lawyers, activists and legal scholars realized that advances from the Civil Rights Movement, such as the Brown ...

Karla News

Social Collectivism and Social Individualism

“According to Hofstede (1980), individualism-collectivism is one of the main dimensions that differentiate cultures.” (Samovar and Porter, 2001, 63). This essay will compare an orientation toward social relationship with an orientation towards individuals in regards to communicative behavior between North Americans and East Asian, Hindu, Maasai, and Greek cultures. Although the difference between the East ...

Karla News

Intercultural Communication and Cultural Differences

“People are alike, and people are different.” What a profound statement. This statement is an important concept in learning how to deal with intercultural communication issues, and with today’s population shift it is more important than ever to grasp it. In this essay we will examine how people are alike, and how people are different ...

Karla News

Useful Jamaican Phrases

I know what you’re thinking: “They speak English in Jamaica. What good is a ‘useful Jamaican phrases’ guide?” But when talking amongst each other, most Jamaicans actually speak “patois” (defined as a regional dialect with significant differences from the regions official language.) Jamaican patois is a mix between English, African, and native languages. “Ah,” you ...