Articles for tag: Insect Bites

Karla News

Causes of Swelling After Insect Bites

There are two main causes of swelling after an insect bite. I recently had a run-in with the more common cause of swelling after an insect bite. I noticed a mosquito bite on my three-year-old’s hand just before bedtime. She had received a few mosquito bites that weekend, but she wasn’t scratching much so I ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Insect Bites with an Antiperspirant

Warm moist humid weather means insects problems, especially insect bites. We use repellents before yard activities. We keep the grass cut short and eliminate weeds. Still, the little creatures tend to show up and cause problems for us and our friends. Many times, insects such as spiders and mosquito’s will fly in unseen by the ...

Karla News

How to Identify 5 Common Insect Bites

There is no way of escaping the little critters and for the most part, insects are harmless although the insect bites can be quite annoying. It is important to try and be able to identify some common insect bites so that if you or some one you know happens to have a run in with ...

Karla News

How to Treat Insect Bites in Children

Spring and summer bring new life in the great outdoors. They also bring our children out of doors where they can encounter some of Mother Nature’s less friendly critters. All children get insect bites at some point. Last summer, my daughter stepped on a bee at the swimming pool. She cried and screamed so loud ...

Karla News

Guide on How to Identify Insect Bites

Before moving to Tucson, I didn’t think much about bug bites, except for mosquitoes. Now, living in this desert community, I have learned to be cognizant of bug bites because the consistently hot weather creates a hospitable environment for the various insects living in the area. I learned firsthand about identifying insect bites when my ...

Tips for Identifying Insect Bites

If you or a member of your family was bitten by an insect but you did not notice the bug, you will have to get some help in identifying insect bites. To identify an insect bite properly, you must look at a couple of different indicators or symptoms. The following 10 tips will help you ...

Karla News

Identifying Insect Bites

There’s a little red bump on your arm but you don’t know how it got there. Before you quickly dismiss it, better make sure it’s not something that will go from a little-bitty red bump to a large hole in your arm. Not to alarm you too much, but indeed, if you’re bitten by, say, ...

Karla News

How to Identify Insect Bites

Over the last few years, insect bites that are responsible for diseases and illnesses have been on the rise. In rural areas, the cases of Lyme disease and tick-related illness have become more prevalent. Mosquito bites can cause diseases such as the West Nile virus and Yellow fever and if there is an allergic reaction, ...

Karla News

Natural Cures for Insect Bites

Adults and kids alike get irritated (literally and figuratively) by insect bites. There are many over-the-counter cures to stop the itch and burn at the irritation site on the skin. However, many products that heal insect bites contain chemicals or other ingredients that some choose to avoid for health reasons or otherwise. Here are 5 ...

Karla News

Itching Skin? Good and Bad Remedies to Stop the Itch

Moderate to severe itching is unpleasant to say the least and can result from numerous sources, not limited to: bug bites, sunburn, fungal infection, dry skin, allergies, and a host of dermatological and medical conditions. The cause of itching will impact how well any given itch treatment works and which treatments work best. Obviously, if ...