Articles for tag: Beauty 4 Ashes, Hair Bumps, Ingrown Hairs, Razor Bumps, Shaving

Hair Bumps, Neck Bumps, Razor Bumps, and Ingrown Hairs

Pseudofolliculitis barbae, facial hair bumps, Psuedofolliculitis pubis, pubic hairs bumps, and Folliculitis, or barber’s rash, is a common skin woe among many men, especially men of African descent. Approximately 30 to 40% of black men have some form of hair bumps or ingrown hairs. Yet, women also have hair bumps, especially women of African descent ...

Karla News

African American Skin Care

Contrary to popular belief, there is very little about African American skin that can be safely assumed which is why African American skin care is a combination of general skin care, individual skin care and a few extras that may be specific to olive skin, brown skin or darker skin tones. While African American skin ...

Karla News

Brazilian Waxing – Everything You Need to Know

In the past two decades the Brazilian wax has become a staple at spas and salons throughout the United States. This is a brief history of the Brazilian wax in the United States and everything you need to know when considering your first wax appointment. How it Began The J. Sisters International salon in Manhattan ...

Karla News

Razor Bumps? Irritated Skin? Ingrown Hair?

Have you ever had a razor burn that caused bumps on your face or neck? Also common are ingrown hairs which keep growing even though they’re underneath the skin! I have a sure fire (maybe) answer to the problem. Everyone’s skin is different but I think you’ll want to give this a try. The first ...

Karla News

Pimples on Bald Head: Causes and Solutions

Pimples on your bald head driving you nuts? There are several ways to prevent or get rid of annoying, unsightly pimples or blemishes, or what appear to be pimples, that have appeared on your bald head. First of all, let’s get a dermatologist’s take on this common problem with men who are proud to be ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments for Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs can be a real nuisance. In fact, if they are not treated, they can turn into painful infections. True to their name, ingrown hairs are hair shafts that grow into the skin instead of out, as they normally do. There are many causes of this skin condition. Guys tend to have problems with ...

Karla News

5 Tips for Ingrown Pubic Hair

To be blunt in the day and age we live in most women and a lot of men prefer that there is some maintenance down there. You can wax but most of the time you might be in a hurry to look good for that “special occasion”, and that might cause you to be a ...

Karla News

Three Reasons Why Women Shouldn’t Shave Their Pubic Hair

I don’t want to beat around the bush-there’s nothing wrong with trimming your pubic hair or doing some grooming. But when it comes down to it, shaving your pubic hair has some consequences you may not have considered. Shaving your pubic hair causes damage to hair follicles. When you shave your pubic hair, you risk ...