Articles for tag: Baby Poop, Breast Fed, Dehydration in Infants, Green Poop, Infant Health

Karla News

What Your Baby’s Dirty Diapers Can Tell You

Our infant’s poop won’t start talking anytime soon, but you can “listen” to what it is telling you about your infant’s health and overall well being. Before becoming parents no one can understand how perplexing caring for an infant can be, and as parents we need to knowledgeable. As your infant goes through different stages ...

Karla News

Helpful Ways to Prevent SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is exactly as the title describes. Your perfectly healthy appearing infant suddenly is removed from your life while sleeping. The result is a family torn apart after the loss of their infant who had just recently been held in their arms full of the promise of a new life to ...

History of Midwifery in the U.S.

Introduction Midwifery is an internationally recognized profession with practitioners throughout the world. In the United States, midwifery education that meets the standards of the American College of Nurse-Midwives goes beyond the scope of practice defined as midwifery to include the primary health care of women and newborns. A Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) is an individual educated ...

Karla News

Toddler Dental Complications & When Parents Should be Concerned

Caring for an infant can be a challenging, yet rewarding, time for parents. Seemingly a never-ending quest to maintain infant health is often challenged by a variety of health conditions, ranging from injuries to bacterial infections. As parents, understanding the dynamics of an infant’s health can be overwhelming and, for many, the issues of dental ...

Karla News

The Risks of Babywise

Every so often, among parenting circles, the term “Babywise” is brought up. For wide eyed, uncertain parents it seems like a miracle in a box. The promises of perfectly scheduled feedings, sleeping through the night soon, and smooth sailing easily sway new parents hoping to avoid the common pitfalls of having a new baby. Unfortunately, ...