Articles for tag: Infant Constipation

Karla News

10 Reasons Babies Cry

If you’re a new parent, you may not know why your baby is crying and won’t stop. Babies cry for several reasons, some reasons you may not have even thought of. As a parent, it is your job to determine why your baby is crying and to solve the problem. This article will go over ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Infant Constipation

Sometimes feedings cause upset stomachs and causes other issues such as serious constipation in infants. Constipation in an infant does not always mean hard stools, it can mean mushy stools with a lot of grunting and straining and some serious, heart wrenching crying. If the pediatrician feels your formula is correct and that there is ...

Karla News

Treatment for Newborn Constipation

Constipation in a newborn is characterized by infrequent, hard stools that cause the baby to strain and appear to be in discomfort. If you watch the average newborn, there is generally a fair amount of straining and effort that goes into any bowel movement. It is said that breastfed babies are never truly constipated, but ...

Karla News

10 Things You Should Know About Breastfeeding

The number of women breastfeeding in the US is beginning to rise. As more information becomes available, it is easier for moms to decide if they’d rather nurse their baby. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding. Is breastfeeding right for you? Advantages 10 Things You Should Know About Breastfeeding #1: Antibodies Breast milk ...

Karla News

Guide to Breastfeeding a Gassy Baby

As many experienced parents are aware, an excessive build up of gas in babies can cause discomfort, pain, sleep disturbances, and extreme fussiness. While many medications and methods exist for treating the symptoms of gas in infants, most parents feel it necessary to treat the underlying cause rather than merely the symptoms. When it comes ...

Karla News

Causes and Symptoms of Infant Constipation

It is normal for infants to get constipated at times. There are many signs and symptoms that you can look for in order to determine if your baby is suffering from constipation. This will help you decide on a course of action to help your infant through this difficult time. Some of the symptoms include: ...

Karla News

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Infant Diarrhea

It can be very difficult for any parent to deal with infant diarrhea. Most doctors will recommend that parents keep track of how many bowel movements their babies have a day. This will help when it comes to determining if your baby has infant diarrhea. There are several ways that you can tell if your ...

Karla News

Natural Cures for Constipation in Babies

A common concern among parents of infants is constipation. Even though the problem is rare among breastfed babies, it may still occur. When the child has a hard abdomen, seems uncomfortable, and strains, usually with a red face, to pass a small, dry, hard stool, constipation is likely at fault. Mild dehydration is often a ...

Karla News

What to Do When Your Baby Is Constipated

Just like adults, babies get constipated, too. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if your baby is constipated because, after all, he or she can’t tell you. Here are ways to determine if your baby is constipated and how to help them regulate. Exclusively Breastfed Babies If your baby is exclusively breastfed, meaning no solids ...