Articles for tag: Area Rugs, College Dorm Room, Dorm Rooms, Inexpensive Dorm Room Decorations

Choosing a College Dorm Room Area Rug

Adding an area rug is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to decorate your college dorm room. Because they are not costly, you can use an area rug even in a high traffic dorm room without having to worry about visitors damaging an expensive item. Choosing a bold pattern or color can add ...

Karla News

Avoiding the College Party Scene

If you are a college student, one of the biggest decisions that you are going to need to make is whether or not you are going to get involved in the college party scene. While partying during college may seem fun while it lasts, the unfortunate truth is that it can have a huge effect ...

Karla News

Twenty College Dorm Room Essentials

Many upcoming college freshmen are unaware of the dorm room essentials needed to make it through their first year of college. This is a result of parents providing their children with basic housing and school necessities for their first eighteen years of life. Further, many students do not realize that college dorm rooms only provide ...

College Dorm Essentials

For the first time student off to college this fall, having a list of college dorm essentials while packing will make the adjustment to the new room easier. Dorm must haves are some times forgotten when packing and have to be purchased at more expensive stores around campus. To build a personal dorm must haves ...

Karla News

Ten Great Gifts for Dorm Resident College Students

Whether your favorite college student is a freshman just starting out or working on their master’s degree, gifts for college students should be useful, dorm or apartment friendly, and most of all, something the college student wants. If you are completely in the dark about what to purchase for a college student, consider gas, movie, ...