Articles for tag: Dark Fantasy, Illustrators

L. Ron Hubbard’s “Writers of the Future” Contest

Much has been said and written about prolific speculative fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, particularly after the publication of his highly controversial book Dianetics and the founding of the Church of Scientology. Many of the accounts are unflattering, painting a picture of the author as a greedy opportunist who used his forays into alternative medicine ...

What You Need to Know About Becoming a Commercial Artist

Commercial artists create artwork to sell ideas, products, services and to make something attractive. They draw for magazines, catalogs, books, brochures, billboards, displays, television, the internet, newspapers and also packaging. Commercial artists can work alone or with a team. A team would also have illustrators, an art director and graphic designers. The art director would ...

Karla News

5 Wonderful Ways to Collect Children’s Books

Most children’s book collections begin with a few beloved volumes from the collector’s own childhood. Searching children’s literature for similar books is usually an act of love but can take time and effort. It helps to have a plan to guide the seach. Here are five methods collectors use to build from early favorites to ...

Best Careers for Artists

Talented artists are everywhere. Unfortunately for all these talented artists can not all possibly become world famous artists having their works displayed in some of the most prestigious art galleries around the world. Although many artists will find that they are unable to make a living simply selling their paintings, drawings, sculptures and other artworks, ...