Articles for tag: Agamemnon, Iliad, Illiad, Persuasive Speech, Trojan War

Karla News

Homer’s Illiad: Trojan War, Literature, Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus

HEROIC CODE Homer’s Iliad is an ancient epic tale of Greek gods, mythical creatures, and larger-than-life heroes. It is a collection of legends and events that documents a thousand-year-old oral tradition of ancient storytelling extinct today. Throughout the epic, there is a central theme that centers on the ideas of heroism, honor, pride, revolving around ...

Karla News

Fate in Homer’s Iliad

Talking about fate as about the only force that determines the human actions means to refer to a term that vexes and limits the human condition. The fate is given by the reaction of gods, but it is placed above people and gods. The gods participate to the human existence to help or to oppress ...

Karla News

The Best Used Bookstores in Los Angeles

Let’s face it. Los Angeles is much more well known for its glitterati than it’s literati. It is a city populated by hundreds of thousands of wannabe actors, writers, directors and filmmakers. Strangely though, nestled in somewhere between the make-up trailers, dingy improv theaters, and smog checks stations are a surprising number of used bookstores ...

Karla News

Extra Book in Homer’s Iliad?

There is a degree of controversy regarding whether book 10 of Homer’s Iliad was part of the Iliad’s original composition, and if it really belongs in Homer’s epic. I believe that book 10, though in some ways a significant departure from the majority of the Iliad, is nevertheless a valid part of the story, composed ...

Karla News

The Iliad: Honor Through Victory and Vengeance

From the beginning of the epic to its finish, the distinguishing element that was most prominent in the Iliad was the concept of honor which is held by Greeks. Honor in the Iliad is not viewed in the same way as it is in western society; rather honor is won through gaining victory and exacting ...

Karla News

The Iliad as an Historical Source

The approach of historiography requires an approach through the records that outlast the events that take place, namely the literature, archives, human memory (when applicable), and physical evidence related to those events. In the case of the historical Trojan War we have a well-preserved and translated piece of literature, The Iliad, but the question brought ...

Karla News

How to Write an Epic Poem

The epic poem is one of the earliest and most enduring forms of literature in our history. The first works of fiction in recorded history are almost entirely epic poems; Beowulf, Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, The Iliad, The Aeneid (and soon to be Theodore the Wonder Duck). The list goes on and on, all of them ...

Karla News

Agamemnon, Achilles, and Responsibility in the Iliad

“Yet what could I do? It is the god who accomplishes all things.” (Iliad IXX ll. 90) These words of Agamemnon’s state simply the situation of the epic’s characters: the Gods control mortals. This being the case, mortal responsibility in actuality rests with the Immortals. Thus, how a hero regards himself as responsible or not ...