Articles for tag: Hyssop, Stomach Problems

The Health Benefits of Hyssop

Hyssop is a healing herb that was used even in Biblical times. David was recorded as saying, “Purge me with Hyssop and I shall be clean.” (Psalms 51:7) The healers of that time knew the value of hyssop as a cleanser of the body and we too can benefit from its use. The Health Benefits ...

Karla News

Plant a Flowering Herb Garden

The word herb is short for “herbaceous”. Herbs are plants that are used for culinary, or medicinal purposes. Herbs have flowers, many of which are not noticeable, but some of them are stunning. Herb gardens can create an area that is beautiful, as well as useful. Herb flowers tend to have a delicate, airy look. ...

Karla News

Tips for Growing Anise Hyssop Plants

Have you been looking for a tall, easy-to-care-for, fragrant perennial to add to your cottage garden, herb garden or perennial border? One that you may want to consider is the Anise Hyssop (Agastache Foeniculum). This beautiful plant sends up spiky purple flowers and has a lovely anise, or licorice, aroma that attracts bees, butterflies and ...

Karla News

10 Edible Massage Oils

Massage oils are fairly easy to create with oils that are edible. Choose a base or carrier oil, such as olive or sunflower, then add a favorite food-grade essential oil like mint. It’s best to combine these oils immediately before use. Raid the refrigerator and the cupboards for one ounce of base oil and add ...