Articles for tag: Fossil Fuels, Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Power

Karla News

Adapting to the Diminishing Environment

Energy is a force that can be controlled in order to maintain life as well as to simply make our demanding lives more simple and convenient. Some energy is renewable, like the wind or sun, but currently the most common way to acquire energy to power automobiles is the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels ...

Karla News

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell is Ready for Motorcycles

The hydrogen fuel cell was invented in the mid nineteenth century by Sir William Grove, a Welsh lawyer. It doesn’t seem to have had any practical use until NASA used the technology in the fifties and sixties. Astronauts from the Apollo missions even drank the water that is a byproduct of the hydrogen fuel cell. ...

Karla News

Alternative Energy Sources

Our economy and our lives are dependent on oil, however many argue that we are running out of oil at a rapid rate. Oil has been a power struggle in many of the wars we have fought. Much of our countries foreign policy is based on securing oil rights. Everyday we use oil, it powers ...

Karla News

Pros and Cons of Alternative Fuels

In the never ending quest to produce a fuel that will be both efficient and environmentally friendly there has been much debate about the advantages and disadvantages of these types of fuels. Today we are going to discuss three fuels, their advantages and disadvantages and see if we can determine which fuel would reduce air ...