Articles for tag: Exotics, Growing Perennials, Houseplants, Passiflora, Plant Propagation

Karla News

Purple Passion Plant

Purple Passion Plant, also known as Passiflora incarnata, is generally found growing wild in the southern part of the United States, but can be an interesting and beautiful exotic houseplant. This vining plant, known as the Purple Passion Plant or Purple Passion Flower, gets its name from comparing it to the elements of the Crucifixion ...

Karla News

Ridding Houseplants of 4 Common Pests

Houseplants are not usually exposed to a lot of pests that generally bug your outdoor plants. Some common pests can at times get to them, though, which means you do need to pay attention to your houseplants and be aware of the signs of infestation. If you do see any of these four bugs that ...

Karla News

DIY: Leaf Shine for Houseplants – Use Mayonnaise

Restore the original luster and shine of house plants with plain old mayonnaise.Commercial leaf shine products can be expensive and washing houseplants with warm soapy water just doesn’t return them to their original shine. Mayonnaise will work just as well as commercial leaf shine products at a fraction of the cost. Nothing detracts from your ...

Karla News

Houseplants – Dieffenbachia or Dumb Cane

The dieffenbachia came by the common name “dumb cane” due to the fact that animals that chew on this plant’s leaves find their vocal cords temporarily frozen, rendering them “dumb” for a short period of time. Perhaps this explains why every dog and cat I have ever owned have avoided my dieffenbachias like the plague. ...

Houseplants That Fight Sick House Syndrome

Are your eyes watering when you enter your room with the new carpet or paint? Do you get a headache when entering your building where you work? Sick Building Syndrome commonly causes these and other symptoms. Recent research has proven that certain houseplants can help remove outgases that occur from certain sources such as new ...

Houseplants that Bloom All Year Long

Flowers add a tremendous amount of beauty to the home, but unless they come from the garden, keeping fresh cut flowers 365 days a year can be very expensive. The fresh cut flowers available in discount stores are not exactly cheap and they are not always fresh. When flowers from discount stores are too costly, ...

Karla News

Natural Homemade Food and Rainwater for Houseplants

Indoor plants require food just like all other forms of life, and if you want your houseplants to thrive it’s important to feed them as often as recommended according to their specific varieties. Store-bought plant food is rich in nutrients and highly beneficial, but it isn’t required for all houseplant varieties. Houseplants thrived in homes ...

Karla News

Easy to Care for Houseplants

My mom was always bringing home beautiful houseplants, only to tote them out to the curb a month later. To say she didn’t have a green thumb was putting it mildly I’m afraid. No matter how well meaning she was, her houseplants never lasted more than a few weeks. Sadly, I have inherited her not-so-green ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Bugs on Houseplants

If your houseplants aren’t looking as healthy as they once did, your houseplants might be infested with bugs. Examine the soil and the undersides of leaves, and look for telltale signs of insects. Look for the bugs themselves as well as tiny webs, cotton-like tufts, sticky residue, or scaly lesions. These are all signs of ...

Karla News

Grow Your Houseplants in Just Water

Often you might worry about what type of soil to use for your houseplants and how much you should water. However, you can actually grow houseplants in just water quite easily. Hydroculture, which is quite popular in Europe, is a means of growing houseplants in water with aggregate; i.e., stones and pebbles. However, you can ...