Articles for tag: Dog Urine, Housebreaking a Puppy, Odor Remover

Karla News

Homemade Dog Urine and Stain Remover

When housebreaking a puppy, there will be many accidents no matter how often the dog is taken outside. Even older dogs can sometimes have accidents. Many dogs dribble when excited, and depending upon the breed it can take up to two years for a dog to gain complete control over his bladder. Store-bought dog urine ...

Tips to Keep Your Puppy from Pooping on the Floor

It’s impossible to housebreak every puppy using the same method. Every puppy is different and they all have various personality traits. Some puppies are easy to housebreak and others can take months to get it right. I, myself have housebroken many puppies and each experience has taught me something new. Here are a few tips ...

Karla News

Your Pet Dog and Housebreaking Breakthroughs

Successful housebreaking is, by far, the most important element of a loving, lifelong relationship between you and your dog. If you don’t teach your new best friend not to pee and poop in your house, he won’t be your friend for long! Fortunately, housebreaking a puppy (or adult dog) isn’t complicated. All you have to ...

Karla News

How to Successfully Housetrain Your Toy Dog

Housebreaking a puppy is never easy, but with small or toy breed dogs, the challenge to successfully potty-train can seem close to impossible. Chihuahuas and other tiny dogs have a reputation in the dog world as being notoriously difficult to housebreak. While larger breed dogs can become housebroken within a few months, it generally takes ...

Karla News

The Best Reptile Pets for Kids

Kids have always craved pets, and parents have always contemplated whether their child is responsible enough for a pet. It’s practically a tautology. In recent years, though, the kinds of pets children can have has expanded immensely, and parents are no longer limited to biting hamsters, jittery rabbits, and peeing puppies. Reptiles can make excellent ...