Articles for tag: Daylilies, Daylily, Garden Landscape, Hostas, Shade Perennials

Karla News

7 Outstanding Salt Tolerant Shade Perennials

One landscaping assignment I had to tackle recently was to plant a perennial flower garden in an area that was shaded. To further complicate the matter, this area was out by the road so the perennial plants needed to also be salt tolerant in addition to being able to grow in the shade. I had ...

Karla News

How to Properly Separate Hostas Plants

My mother has recently been struggling to decide how and when to separate her hostas in the front yard. To many other gardeners, this dilemma has plagued their gardening experience as well. You know that you need to separate them, since your hostas are the size of garbage cans, but how? Believe it or not, ...

Karla News

Five Favorite Perennial Garden Plants

Every year it is fun to add annuals to your garden for variety and color. Perennial plants, however, enable you to keep your garden filled with beauty without replanting year after year. Planting perennials is a great way to save time and money. Some of my favorite perennials are common favorites among gardeners, other perennial ...

Karla News

Creating a Tropical Garden

You do not have to live in the tropics to create a garden with a tropical feel. Tropical gardens are about large, bold foliage; lush, dense plantings; and blooms in vivid yellows, oranges, and reds. If you live in zones 9-11, creating a tropical garden can often be just a normal part of gardening. Further ...

Karla News

Best Landscape: Shady Perennials

Many homeowners often wonder what they can plant in their shady spots in their home landscape. While full sun gardens tend to boast of the large, stunning flowering perennials, there are some amazing perennial plants that can thrive with little sun and can set up a magnificent show. Shade can be a blessing when you ...

Karla News

5 Flowers that Grow Well in the Shade

Do you have a shady garden or a spot in your yard that doesn’t get a lot of sunshine? Even without the sun you can get beautiful flowers to grow and thrive as long as you choose flowers that grow well in the shade. Here are some of the top shade loving flowers that you ...

Karla News

Eight Hardy Groundcovers for Plants in Shady Areas

Trees are wonderful ways of adding a little shade to your yard, but they can be hard on the grass. Most often, the area just underneath the tree is bare or filled with weeds. If you do manage to grow grass underneath it, you are faced with the challenge of trying to mow it. An ...

Karla News

Gardening Tips: How to Stop Slug Damage Naturally

Slugs that make their homes in your garden can cause some serious damage to your plants. Without knowing it you can plant and design an entire garden that meets every dietary and habitat need slugs have. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent and stop slug damage to your plants. Knowing where ...

Karla News

Pre-Planned Gardening Designs

For the beginning gardener, or the veteran with little time to produce a brand-new garden from scratch, a pre-planned garden design can be the way to go. These kinds of pre-planned gardening designs take the guess-work out of selecting plants that will work well together and create a beautiful, professional-looking garden. Pre-planned gardening designs come ...

Karla News

Shade Loving Flowers and Plants

Shade does a wonderful job of keeping a home cool and protected from the hot summer sun, and sitting under the shade of a big tree on a carpet of cool green grass is comforting on a hot summer day. People who don’t have a shady yard long for the cover of big shade trees, ...