Articles for tag: Chickweed, Horehound

Karla News

Some of the Major Flowering Plant Families

Plants probably evolved from algae found in the vast, mineral-rich oceans billions of years ago. From these first primitive water plants, that survived by soaking up nutrients from the water, arose the first land plants. The first land plants were probably ferns, which reproduce with open spores instead of seeds. Later these plants would evolve ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Motion Sickness

Many of us are familiar with the unpleasant symptoms of motion sickness, but these can be alleviated with some simple herbal remedies. Any travel – car, plane, boat, train or coach – can trigger sensations of dizziness, fatigue and nausea. In severe cases, repeated vomiting may occur. Children are especially prone to being sick on ...

Karla News

Herbal Treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. Arrhythmias differ from palpitations because palpitations are generally mild and are often self-correcting. Arrhythmia’s rarely self-correct but can be treated. It is a condition that causes the heart muscle to beat too slow or too fast. A fast heartbeat is called tachycardia and a slow heartbeat is called bradycardia. ...

Karla News

Benefits and Uses of Medicinal Plants

Herbs and plants make up a large portion of the ingredients used by people throughout the ages to help combat disease and illness. Many of these medicinal plants are still used today all around the world. Take a peek at some of the different types of plants which are said to be useful for a ...

Karla News

How to Design and Plant a Bee Garden

Wildlife-loving gardeners across the world enthuse about planting butterfly gardens, but relatively few think to design and plant a bee garden. Designing and planting a bee garden will bolster the health of your garden and help conserve one of earth’s treasures. Why Design and Plant a Bee Garden There are over 3,500 species of bees ...

Karla News

How to Make Homemade Herbal Cough Drops

Making herbal cough drops is very easy to do. It is also very satisfying and healing to make one’s own medicine. For generations people have used herbal throat lozenges to soothe coughs and bronchial ailments. These homemade lozenges will be great to have on hand during the upcoming cold and flu season! Obviously these will ...

Review: Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges

Some of my favorite mint herbal lozenges to suck on to help relief sinus pain and my sore throat when I am sick with a cold is Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges. They are filled with natural nourishing ingredients that not only help sooth a sore throat and relieve sinus pain, but they also help ...

Horehound: Grandma’s Cough Drops

Horehound (marrubium vulgare) has a long history as a medicinal herb. Through the centuries it has been used to repel scorpions, flies and spiders from the garden. Horehound has also been used to cleanse the eyes and ears, rid people of jaundice, help with childbirth and in large doses, work as a laxative. In ancient ...

Karla News

Interesting Facts About Katydids

Katydids, is a catch all phrase referring to the family of grasshoppers. These are fascinating creatures, as their songs lend an esoteric feel to experiencing nature and their color causes them to blend in with the flora and fauna surrounding them. The katydid belongs to the order of Orthoptera, referring to the parallel-sided structure of ...