Articles for tag: Compulsive Behavior, Hoarding

Hoarding: a Secret Addiction

As the popularity of reality television shows grow so does our education of little known illnesses. Recently, the popular reality series about hoarding has opened our eyes to another secret addiction that I bet most of us never realized could actually be an illness. What was once thought of as laziness and a willingness to ...

Symptoms of Hoarding

The Mayo Clinic has defined hoarding as “the excessive collection of items, along with the inability to discard them.” So are you or someone you live with a hoarder? Do you live with clutter? Have you ever considered that you or your loved one may actually be suffering from a mental disorder? Hoarding has often ...

Karla News

Hoarding: An Anxiety Disorder

Hoarding is a mental disorder described as an obsessive need to hold on to and/or acquire a large amount of possessions, even if the stuff is worthless, hazardous, or unsanitary. Compulsive hoarding causes large amounts of clutter and restriction to basic living activities, like cooking, cleaning, showering, and sleeping. People who suffer from this disorder ...

Karla News

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Children Who Hoard

Most people hear of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and immediately think of someone who washes their hands over and over again. Symptoms for OCD can vary. Hoarding is one of the least common OCD behaviors. You’ve probably seen some old woman on the news with OCD hoarding. She would save newspapers till they piled so ...