Articles for tag: Hives, Urticaria

What Causes Hives

Hives are a form of skin rash caused by an allergic reaction. They typically present as a red, itching rash which is raised above the level of normal skin. Hives can affect the skin anywhere on the body and are commonly seen on the face, lips, head, hands, and feet. Hives are known medically as ...

Prevention and Treatment of Hives

Hives is the common name for urticaria, a skin condition marked by a rash of red or white welts, ranging in size up to several inches in diameter. Individual welts can develop and fade suddenly, with the overall rash typically lasting about 24 hours, though sometimes considerably more. Hives, in fact, can persist more than ...

Karla News

Hives: Causes and Treatment for This Itchy Problem

If you haven’t experienced hives, first you are lucky, second you can not imagine just how horrible they are. Yes, they are itchy. But it is an itchiness that has high intensity levels. The itchiness can get so bad that you think you might go insane if it doesn’t stop. Yes, they are that bad. ...

Solar Uticaria: Sun Allergy

People can be allergic to a lot of things: dogs, dust, mold, pollens, milk, wheat, and the list goes on. We are familiar with most of these allergies even if we don’t suffer from them ourselves. There is one allergy that most people are not familiar with, however: solar uticaria, a sun allergy. My experience ...

Karla News

Manipulative Children: How to Stop Parental Terrorism

Children manipulate parents. It’s what they do. Some children are blatant in their parental manipulation; others seem to have gained the skill required to manipulate their parents with extreme subtlety. For you parents with manipulative children like mine, I will provide some behavior examples and some tips to help maintain your cool in even the ...

Karla News

All Natural Herbal Remedies for Welts

Welts can be a symptom of hives, mosquito bites, allergies, eczema, poison ivy and flea bites amongst other things. Welts tend to itch and sting the skin until the victim is driven crazy with the need to scratch. Scratching is the worse thing you can do to welts; instead try one of these all natural ...

Living with Urticaria: Testimonial on Chronic Hives

About three years ago, I developed what is commonly known as chronic hives (urticaria). Chronic hives are defined as hives that persist for longer than six weeks, and at that point, they may last anywhere from a few months to several years. Each individual is different. I freaked out when i started to get them ...

Karla News

Top Bar Bee Hives: Overcoming the Hype

As a beekeeping mentor in the Pacific Northwest, I was recently asked to help a backyard apiarist with a mold issue. Upon arrival at the novice’s beautifully manicured garden, I was presented with the sight of a beautifully-constructed, brightly-painted Kenyan top bar hive. As we suited up in preparation for the inspection, I asked the ...

Karla News

How Much Benadryl Can a Horse Get?

“How much Benadryl can I give my horse?” Veterinarians hear this often from concerned owners of horses with hives or other allergic reactions. The owners go in the Internet and see that Benadryl helped another horse. Actually, it’s the active ingredient, diphenhydramine, that helped — not specifically the brand name Benadryl. Dosage depends on how ...

Azithromycin Side Effects and Allergies

Azithromycin is a wonder drug. Although Azithromycin’s side effects can be annoying, or even harmful at times, let’s face it: what other drug can get you well in such a short amount of time? In three day, or seven day doses, Azithromycin is great when you don’t have time to be sick. I encountered Azithromycin ...