Articles for tag: History of Tea

Karla News

What is a Mote Spoon?

What is a mote spoon? In the days before electric teapots and conveniently packaged bags of tea, tea lovers steeped their beverage of choice in diminutive cups, using various utensils, usually silver or silver plated, to release the tea, strain the leaves, and leave the tea clear and pristine. These utensils were called “tea trappings”, ...

Karla News

Tips to Brew Flavored Tea

You probably have heard of flavored tea brewing? This is the combination between different flavors with different tea to obtain a more unique fragrance and taste. What is it? Nowadays, you can combine fruit and tea directly by placing the fruit in the tea water. Check this out! However, in the history of tea, flavored ...

Karla News

Types of Black Tea: An Overview

Of all the types of tea, black tea is the most powerful. Few can mistake Black Tea’s distinct bold flavors, however, even black tea has its subtleties, from a soft hint of smoke to kiss of fruit, the taste of black tea varies greatly by its type. All black tea contains more caffeine than regular ...

The Most Beneficial Tea for Your Health

It’s no secret that tea is healthy for you. The health benefits of tea have been recognized for thousands of years, but those seeking the seeped leaves benefits for health reasons rather than taste preference alone, have to wonder, which tea is the most beneficial to your health? That’s a tricky question because all tea ...