Articles for tag: Blurry Vision, Cornea, Genital Herpes, Herpes Virus

Karla News

Ocular Herpes (Herpes of the Eye)

Ocular herpes, or herpes of the eye, is caused by the Type 1 herpes virus (the same one that causes cold sores) and afflicts nearly 40,000 new cases each year. Approximately 500,000 Americans have ocular herpes, and it is contracted by coming in contact with someone with an active Type 1 herpes infection (cold sore, ...

Karla News

All-Natural Cold Sore Remedy that Really Works

Anyone who has ever suffered from recurrent cold sores likely dreads the telltale itching and tingling that indicates an outbreak is coming – and with good reason. The fluid-filled blisters that form around the mouth are painful, unsightly and also highly contagious. The herpes simplex virus causes cold sores, also called fever blisters. The word ...

Karla News

Effective Treatment for Herpes Outbreaks

This can be an uncomfortable topic for many people. People coping with herpes don’t usually make that fact known unless or until they have to, but the Herpes Simplex Virus; the cause of genital herpes is affecting approximately 45 million Americans. There is no herpes virus cure yet, only treatment. It is estimated that one ...