Articles for tag: Herniated Disc, Herniated Disk, Sciatic Pain

Herniated Disc: Symptoms and Diagnostic Tests

Herniated disc, also called ruptured or slipped disc or herniated nucleus pulposus, a herniated disk occurs when all or part of the nucleus pulposus-the soft, gelatinous, central portion of an invertebral disk-is forced through the disk’s weakened or torn outer ring (annulus fibrosus). When this happens, the extruded disk may impinge on spinal nerve roots ...

Karla News

Herniated Discs of the Thoracic Spine

As we age we all know someone with a bad back or we’re unlucky enough to have a bad back our self. In fact, eight percent of all adults in the U.S. experience back pain to the extent that it causes significant limitations on their daily activities, and it is the leading cause of work ...

Karla News

My Guide to Herniated Discs

Several years back I herniated my disc. When people say they “pulled their backs” or their back hurts them trust me they have not herniated a disc. This was perhaps the most painful experience of my life (other than childbirth). First let’s define what a herniated disc is. From Web MD in an article called ...