Articles for tag: Chives, Cooking Fish, Growing Basil, Herb Gardens, Homecooking

Karla News

Growing an Herb Garden in Houston, Texas

Growing an herb garden can be a lot of fun, since you can actually use what you grow while cooking. Children love herb gardens, too, watching plants grow and “harvesting.” The following herbs will do well in Houston, Texas gardens. I tried to list herbs that can be used in more than one dish. Also, ...

Karla News

How to Create a Fairy Garden

“Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a fairy hand in hand…” From the poem The Stolen Child – WB Yeats There are vegetable gardens, flower gardens, herb gardens and within each variety of garden there are categories that go on as far as the eye can see to the ...

Karla News

Easy Potted Herb Garden Tips

Most of us don’t have the room or the know how to grow our own potted herb gardens. However, with these tips anyone can grow their own potted herbs that will be delicious in any meal. Follow these six tips and before you know it, you will have that green thumb when it comes to ...

Karla News

The Italian Seasoning Herb Garden

Italian Seasoning is a combination of several different herbs. While most people would use it for dishes such as spaghetti or lasagna it is a versatile combination that is great on most any meat dish, eggs, stews, and sprinkled on garlic bread for added flavor. While many people are happy purchasing their Italian Seasoning at ...

Making Herb Garden Gifts

There are easy gifts you can make from the herbs in your own garden. If you are not yet growing your own herbs, complete two potted herb gardens, one for a gift and one for yourself. There is nothing like the flavor of fresh herbs in your home made culinary delights. When drying bundles of ...

Karla News

Review: Green Thumb 50′, Soil Soaker Hose

For Mother’s Day my husband enlarged my kitchen garden and tilled another three areas for herb gardens. I now have four gardens to manage not including our butterfly garden. With so many gardens to maintain I always tend to forget to water at least one of them. At times I’d forgotten I’d watered one or ...