Articles for tag: Heimlich Maneuver

Karla News

Harry Potter Complete Spell List – Part One

The world of Harry Potter is indeed magical. Spells, wands, Hogwarts, Quidditch…the list is endless. For all the aspiring wizards and witches out there, here is a list of many of the known magic spells, which have been uttered throughout the series. You, too, can be a wizard or witch in the vast world of ...

Karla News

The Importance of the Heimlich Maneuver

Knowing how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver is something you might hear when you are asked to babysit or maybe in your health class. Half the time you don’t know what it is and might just agree because you want to get the money from babysitting. The Heimlich Maneuver is something that everyone should become ...

Karla News

Why Babies Wheeze

First, let me say, if your baby is having trouble breathing, call 911. Don’t take chances and don’t “wait and see”. This article is not to diagnose your child’s condition, it is simply a listing of some of the things that can cause a baby to wheeze. There are several things that can cause a ...

Karla News

How to Administer First Aid for Choking

For many of you reading this article, first aid for choking is probably something you are already aware of but if you are not, here are some important tips which may help save your life or the life of a loved one or friend. Why does choking occur? Choking occurs when a foreign object blocks ...

Karla News

How to Give Your Dog the Heimlich Maneuver

For most of us our pets are like our children. Should we see something bad happen to them we will immediately rush to action. Heaven forbid that ever happen – with a pet or a child – but if such a thing should ever befall your beloved pet would you know what to do? If ...

How Your Baby is Protected in the Womb

Your baby is provided with an abundance of natural protection to help keep it safe in the womb while still vulnerable and developing. Let’s take a look at some of this anatomy. 1. Umbilical Cord: connects the baby to the placenta allowing food and oxygen to be supplied to the baby, and waste materials to ...