Articles for tag: Chlorine, Deep Conditioning Treatment, Green Hair, Heavy Metals

Karla News

Secrets for Getting Rid of Chlorine Hair! No More Green Head!

With the warm summer sun beating down on us and temperatures hitting the 80’s and 90’s, our thoughts naturally turn to thoughts of relaxing by the pool. But, what if you develop chlorine hair or worse yet you’ve visited the pool and you already have it! It can happen to the best of us. Fortunately ...

Karla News

Japanese Detox Foot Pads: Ancient Japanese Secret is a Scam

JAPANESE DETOX FOOT PADS – MYTH OR MIRACLE? It’s a recipe for making money. Throw a Japanese name like “Takara”, “Kinoki” or “Chikusaku” onto a package and sprinkle in advertising copy words such as “absorb toxins,” “purify” and “detox impurities” and charge $19.99 or more for a two-week supply. Promise gullible people the expensive placebo ...

Karla News

Heavy Metal Chelation with Zeolite

Natural Heavy Metal Chelation With Zeolite Why zeolite? Did you know that there have been some 50,000 man-made chemicals introduced into our world in the last century? Our bodies, while designed to protect us and remove toxins, was never designed for the burden we are faced with today. The heavy metals in our environment would ...

Karla News

Top 10 Heavy Metal Videos on YouTube

I wouldn’t call this a definitive list of the best metal videos of all time. It’s more of a heads up to metalheads (no pun intended) to check out a few promo clips from bands that aren’t in the spotlight. I focused on recent videos, although I tossed in choice classics that had a potent ...

Karla News

Benefits of Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy involves the injection an organic compound that helps to remove metallic substances from the body. It was noticed that ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid, or EDTA, when in the presence of various metals having a positive charge, the acid somehow attaches itself to the metals and removes them from the body. When chelation therapy is used, ...

Karla News

Poor Man’s “Fish Tank” Chlorine Removal

Just starting a fish aquarium? One of the things that will have to be done in order for fish to survive and thrive is neutralizing chlorine. Chlorine in tap water is considered deadly to fish but buying stuff to remove it instantly from the water can add up. Liquid solutions usually go by how many ...

The Impossible Cure for Autism

In 1996 when my daughter was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDDNOS), there were very few natural resources to help children who were non-verbal. I had taken her to what was presumed to be the best hospital at the time, “Children Memorial”. The psychologist who evaluated her noted in her record, “We currently do not ...

Karla News

What is Zeolite?

Zeolite is a type of rock that is formed in crystals. It is formed in nature when a volcano erupts and the hot lava and volcanic ash hits sea water. When this happens, the lava and ash are cooled very quickly and harden. The rock-like structure that forms is called a zeolite and it forms ...