Articles for tag: Heartworm Disease, Heartworms, Larvae, Mosquito Bites, Mosquito Control

Karla News

Heartworms in Cats

Many are familiar with heartworm disease in canines, but fewer people are aware that their cats too, may become infected with heartworms. Unfortunately, it’s true: cats too, can have heartworm disease. Knowing what it is, how it affects your cat and what you can do to treat it as well as prevention methods, is important ...

Karla News

Heartworm Symptoms in Dogs

Heartworm disease in dogs is caused by a parasite and is transferred by mosquitoes. Canines act as hosts/carriers, although other species like cats, raccoons, muskrats, bears, ferrets and sea lions can become infected, also. The disease is completely preventable with vet-prescribed medication. Unprotected dogs in mosquito-infested areas are at risk. Many dogs show no symptoms, ...