Articles for tag: Hearing Protection

Karla News

Cutting Down Trees: How to Fell Trees

1. Precautions and Safety Felling a tree or using a chainsaw can lead to serious injury. In fact, more people are killed while felling trees than doing any other woodworking activity. The impact of a tree can crush your body in a split second. The number one key safety essential point is proper safety apparel. ...

Karla News

How to Put Hardwood Flooring on Stairs

Overview Hardwood is a popular flooring material because of the clean, traditional look it provides as well as for its stability and safety. Hardwood will not wrinkle and cause a tripping hazard like carpeting and will not retain cold or heat like tile. A quick visual check will tell you when it is time to ...

Karla News

Do Hunters Need Hearing Protection?

Do you hunt with a rifle? Why don’t you, a hunter with a loud gun, wear protection for your ears? Rifle blasts are extremely loud, around 160 decibels. A target shooter, says the Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Administration, can suffer a whole years’ worth of noise exposure in a matter of minutes. I consulted ...

DIY: How to Prevent Tablesaw Kickback

Kickback is a word no woodworker wants to hear- particularly in his or her own shop. It is an ever-present danger when using a tablesaw. However, it is, for the most part, preventable. I encountered kickback with my first tablesaw. I was already nervous- I had never used one before. Goggles on, hearing protection on, ...

Karla News

Places Your Child Might Need Hearing Protection

The human ear is an amazing thing. So many parts work together seamlessly to transmit the sound waves that move through the atmosphere into signals that the brain can interpret. The tiniest three bones in the body, the hammer, anvil and stirrup, each do their part to bring you the music and voices you love. ...

Karla News

Review of Flents Brand Quiet! Please Ear Plugs

Each night I struggle to get to sleep. My husband snores very loudly, and unless I get to sleep before he does (which is rare since I struggle with insomnia), I find it very difficult to get to sleep. I have been using ear plugs every night for the past five years, and believe me, ...

Karla News

Five Tips for Healthy and Safe Gardening

Spring is here and so are all the wonderful chores that go with lawn and garden care. Beautiful yards and spectacular flower displays don’t grow themselves- they require physical work. Along with the beauty however, pain can follow. Sore backs and legs, wrists and arms can result from over eager use in the spring gardening ...