Articles for tag: Aleve, Excedrin, Excedrin Pm, Headache Medicine, Sinus Pressure

Karla News

Make that Tension Headache Go Away

Almost everyone suffers from the occasional tension headache. A tension headache can be caused by even the minor stresses of daily life, like trying to get a report done by a deadline, trying to cope with two or three rowdy kids, or narrowly avoiding a fender bender on the drive home from work. The severity ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Menstrual Migraines

Menstrual cycles are the curse of women. These monthly cycles can be pain-free for some lucky women. Unfortunately, according to WebMD, more than 60 to 70% of women report that their migraines are related to their menstrual cycle. A common topic of conversation isn’t usually how much pain you suffer during your menstrual cycle. Who ...

Karla News

Zofran Headaches and Why You May Get Them

A zofran headache is a common side effect of the prescription drug zofran. This drug is used to prevent nausea and vomiting in a variety of patients. It is used a lot with chemotherapy patients and is given post-op to decrease the risk of nausea from anesthesia. It has also been prescribed for severe nausea ...

Top 5 Reasons Why You Get a Headache

Having a headache is no fun. We have all been there. A small twinge can soon turn into a headache, that can be mildly irritating to excruciatingly painful. But what are some of the main causes of headaches? This article will explore some of the reasons why headaches occur. Top 5 reasons why you get ...

Karla News

The “New Coke” Conspiracy

In 1886 druggist John Pemberton invented a nerve tonic called Pemberton’s French Wine Coca. He removed the wine, added caffeine and cola and poof! – Coca-Cola was born. He whipped it up in a 30 gallon kettle in his back yard and sold it as headache medicine. The coca leaves probably helped a bit. In ...

Karla News

10 Uses for Lavender

For her birthday and Christmas every year, I present a gift of lavender to a dear friend of mine. She loves the fragrance and feels that its smoothing aroma is a natural stress reliever. Lavenders Lavandula are a genus of approximately twenty to thirty species of flowering plants in the mint family. Some cats are ...

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever: Best Cure for a Headache

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever is the only over-the-counter product that cures my headaches. I don’t get migraines, but I often get headaches due to eye strain, stress, and other lifestyle factors. I’ve tried everything else on the market, and Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever works like no other product. It’s inexpensive and readily available ...

Karla News

5 Popular TV Advertising Tricks: And Why They Work

The next time you’re perusing your local supermarket’s aisles, think about the items that you’ve just placed into your cart. Did you make a list and select only those items? Or did you toss a few extra products into the buggy? If you said ‘yes’ to the latter question, then it might be a fair ...