Articles for tag: Camcorders, Handycam, Hdr, Sony Handycam

Karla News

The Top 5 1080p HD Camcorders

Unfortunately these days there is a little confusion about what “HD” actually refers to. When the format was initially introduced, 1080 pixels of vertical resolution was HD and 720 pixels was called enhanced-definition or “ED”(I know, if you watch those Viagra commercials you probably think ED refers to something else). Now that TVs with 720 ...

Karla News

XFX Radeon HD 4650 Video Card Review

I recently wanted to upgrade an old PC of mine for my gaming uses. I wanted to get new components and I started with the video card. After doing my research I learned that this PC was a little outdated and required a special type of card. This particular computer required an AGP video card. ...

Karla News

Top Professional Video Cameras

Purchasing a camcorder is using a very big decision. When you are using your camcorder for your video business then that decision is even more important. When you plan on using your camcorder professionally with your business, you need to make sure that the camera is going to give you the best quality video possible ...