Articles for tag: HBO, Pompey, The Sopranos, Western Civilization

Karla News

Review of HBO’s Epic Miniseries Rome

HBO brings Rome, the ancient Italian city, to life in a gigantic spectacular production which boasts a 100 million dollar budget. It’s set, located entirely in Italy, is currently the largest standing in the world. The first episode drew 3.8 million total viewers, making it destined to be another HBO hit. As anticipated, Rome is ...

HBO’s Addiction Project Documentary Wins Award

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacolgy, recently announced, the 2007 media award would go to HBO. HBO created a 14-part documentary about the nature of the addiction. HBO and its partners, the national Institute of drug abuse, the national Institute on alcohol abuse, alcoholism and the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, helped HBO, with the addiction documentary. ...

Karla News

HBO’s Rome: How Real is It?

HBO’s witty historical drama is a delight to watch. Well-acted and beatifully filmed, it transports viewers to another Republic long ago, dangerously sliding towards the abyss. It is, to be sure, educational as well as entertaining. But just how real is it? Main Characters The two main characters of the show, ex-legionaries named Vorenus and ...

Karla News

How to Choose Between HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, or Starz

Most cable and satellite companies now offer a variety of premium movie channels. The most popular of these are HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and Starz. These can be ordered at an additional price to your normal channels. The typical price for these services are from $10-$15 per month. With all of these choices, it can get ...