Articles for tag: Claude Mckay, Harlem, Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston

Karla News

Top Four Great Writers of the Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance is a term used to distinguish the African American cultural explosion that happened in the 1920s through the 1930s in the Harlem area of New York city. Among the many artists who helped give rise to the Harlem Renaissance were several writers who remain well known and respected to this day. Here ...

Karla News

The Harlem Renaissance: A Research Paper

The Harlem Renaissance remains one of the most significant artistic movements in American history, far surpassing its original importance to one specific minority. The renaissance served to create a consciousness of identity for African-Americans, while also forcing white American to confront the importance of an ethnic group too long considered inferior. The Harlem Renaissance is ...

Karla News

Jazz and the Harlem Renaissance

It is impossible to take a look at jazz music without treading into political territory and the history of the United States. The path of jazz music simply does not tread in politics, jazz is intertwined with all levels of politics from city to federal. So tight is this bond that Rob Backus stated that ...

Karla News

Harlem Renaissance: Origins and Influence

In the early 1920s and continuing till the mid Depression years, the cultural explosion of literature, music, and art was harbored mainly in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. The Harlem Renaissance, also known as the “New Negro Movement,” embodied a common belief in black pride and motivated many African Americans to celebrate their ...

Karla News

Harlem Fitness Travelogue: Where to Get Fit in Harlem, New York

Harlem in Manhattan has undergone quite a reconstruction in the ten years since I’ve lived here. I started out in East Harlem, New York City, bounced up to Westchester and then moved into West Harlem. This is the only place I’ve lived as an adult and I have a tremendous amount of respect for my ...

Karla News

Fun Activities in New York City’s Harlem

Are you looking for some “activities” to check out in Harlem? While New York City in general is not conducive to a whole lot of physical activity, there are a few things you can do in Harlem to get your butt up off the coach. Here are just a few: Harlem Lanes – 2116 7th ...

Karla News


On an ordinary day, the small town of Harlem, Georgia does not look like an international mecca. But every October, throngs of international visitors, many dressed in bowler hats and silly mustaches, descend upon the town, to laugh, dance, parade, and generally celebrate one of America’s most loved comedy teams, Laurel and Hardy, and Harlem’s ...