Articles for tag: Hamstring Injuries, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Karla News

Hamstring Injuries: Causes and Prevention

Hamstring injuries can interfere with training for fitness, sports or physique competition: a hamstring injury disrupts running, and running is a heavily favored fat-burning activity for those wanting to slash body fat. The most common cause of hamstring injuries is actually running, particularly sprinting, though overly aggressive stretching can also injure the hamstrings. I’m a ...

Karla News

Weight Training for Baseball Players

So, you hit the gym hard, stuck with your drills, and did everything a good off-season ball player should do. Now that your games are just around the corner (or maybe they’ve already started), you can sit back, let the weight room collect dust, and kill time just looking forward to the next opening pitch. ...

Karla News

Dealing with Hamstring Injuries

As many nagging sports injuries as I’ve had over the past 34 years, you would think that, at some point, I would tire of getting hurt and cut back on the sorts or just give them up all together. Well, since I am not ever going to stop participating in athletic events – although I ...

Karla News

Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees

The knee is a very important part of the human body and when we exercise we tend to forget it. It’s not that we forget it’s there, but rather we forget to exercise it individually because we assume other leg exercises that we already do help to strengthen the knees. The knee is a complex ...

Best Home Workout Routines

Today there are many home workout routines that you can perform in the comforts of your home. You no longer need to go to work out gyms and fitness centers just to keep yourself fit and maintaining a great figure. With these easy steps, you can plan out your home workout routine. The first task ...