Articles for tag: Hagrid, Luna Lovegood

Karla News

Harry Potter and the Lessons of Life

Back in 2001 right-wing groups started a drive to remove books from the Harry Potter series in schools across the country by alleging that they were luring children into witchcraft and the occult. Pat Robertson went so far as to say “that God will forsake nations that tolerate witchcraft.” Ok, they have the right to ...

Karla News

Harry Potter’s Hagrid: Little Known Facts About Robbie Coltrane

Many Harry Potter fans will agree that Robbie Coltrane is a better Hagrid than the actual character from the Harry Potter books. Robbie Coltrane was able to take an otherwise uninteresting Harry Potter character and turn him into a lovable character that everyone seems to enjoy. But, he is more than just a lovable Harry ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character Hagrid

Hagrid is one of the most popular characters in the Harry Potter series. He’s not only has a friendly and caring personality, he also does what he can to protect our leading characters from danger. While Hagrid may not be the most intelligent character in the Harry Potter series, he is a character who has ...

Karla News

More Little Known Harry Potter Facts

Where did Harry Potter’s father, James, get the Invisibility Cloak? Who lives longer: witches and wizards, or muggles? What is the official motto of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? If you would love to know the answers to these questions and more, read ahead for facts you didn’t even know you didn’t know! Harry ...

Karla News

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time

Harry Potter is well known for having spoiler warnings. Anytime fans write about the Harry Potter series, they include a spoiler warning for those who may not have read that information. The following list includes some of the biggest Harry Potter spoilers of all time. The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #1: Dumbledore ...