Articles for tag: Chives, Cooking Fish, Growing Basil, Herb Gardens, Homecooking

Karla News

Growing an Herb Garden in Houston, Texas

Growing an herb garden can be a lot of fun, since you can actually use what you grow while cooking. Children love herb gardens, too, watching plants grow and “harvesting.” The following herbs will do well in Houston, Texas gardens. I tried to list herbs that can be used in more than one dish. Also, ...

Karla News

Tips for Growing Basil

Basil is a type of herb used in various cooking styles-though it is most often associated with Itailian recipes. While basil can often be found at most grocery stores, the price at which this product is sold can be quite exorbitant-especially if the basil is fresh. To save some of your hard-earned money, consider growing ...

Karla News

A Guide to Growing Basil Inside or in a Greenhouse

Basil is a wonderful herb. It smells fantastic, tastes so good, and you can use it dry or fresh in your cooking. Italian, in particular, is a dish that tastes amazing with fresh basil. Growing basil has been a simple task for me. It sits in my kitchen pots, ready whenever i want it. And ...

Karla News

The Italian Seasoning Herb Garden

Italian Seasoning is a combination of several different herbs. While most people would use it for dishes such as spaghetti or lasagna it is a versatile combination that is great on most any meat dish, eggs, stews, and sprinkled on garlic bread for added flavor. While many people are happy purchasing their Italian Seasoning at ...

Karla News

5 Popular and Easy to Grow Herbs for Your Garden

Herbs can make a wonderful addition to your garden. Even if you only have a patio with some containers, herbs can have a place there. While some herbs are used for cooking, others have wonderful flowers and fragrance to them. Your plants can be solely for decoration if you wish, or flavor your dishes all ...