Articles for tag: Grimm

Karla News

Interview: Claire Coffee Talks Grimm

Police dramas have always been one of television’s acclaimed and beloved genres with critics and fans alike. But when suddenly mixed with suspense, fairy tales and sci-fi cult elements, as with NBC’s sophomore hit series ‘Grimm,’ the genre becomes filled with surprises and even more twists and turns that will keep audiences continually guessing. The ...

Karla News

Differences Between Disney’s Snow White and Grimm’s Snow White

As we get older, we all seem to know that the fairy tales we were told and Disney movies we watched greatly differ from the original Grimm’s fairy tales. Grimm’s fairy tales were, in fact, very grim. Here’s some of the differences in “Snow White.” In the version that almost everybody knows, the Wicked Queen ...

Karla News

The Real Brothers Grimm

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, two of the most recognizable names in childhood fairy tales. Jacob (born January 4th, 1785) and Wilhelm (born February 24th, 1786) in Hanau, Germany (who2). The boys were about a year apart, and were very close their whole life, due largely (it is speculated) to their unfortunate beginnings. The brothers were ...

Karla News

Was There a Real Pied Piper of Hamelin?

Most of you may remember hearing the story of how the Pied Piper of Hamelin first got rid of all the rats in a certain German village and then came back and took all the children as revenge for the city leaders not coming through on their part of the deal to pay him for ...

Karla News

Sleeping Beauty: The Version of Charles Perrault

“Briar Rose” is a Grimm fairy tale in which a princess sleeps for one hundred years. Perrault also tells us about this sleepy princess, but his story differs from that of the Grimm brothers in many ways. Like the Grimm version, Perrault’s tale begins with the birth of a princess. Seven fairies who lived in ...