Articles for tag: Dingo, Gray Wolf, Gray Wolves, Wolves

Karla News

Wolf Trivia: Five Fun Facts About Wolves

Howling to appear bigger When wolves howl together, they do so on different pitches in order for their pack to seem larger to the ears of enemy packs. Each wolf has an individual voice and will choose a unique note from its pack mates to start its howl. If two wolves start on the same ...

Karla News

Free Outdoor Summer Activities in Rochester, Minnesota

In Rochester, Minnesota, summer is probably the best time to find free outdoor activities. Summer is the time to become reacquainted with Rochester’s year-round population of geese at Silver Lake, make new friends with the zoo animals at Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo, and explore the spiritual wonders of Quarry Hill Nature Center. Read this ...

Karla News

Mexican Gray Wolves Were Declared and Endangered Species in 1976

Mexican Wolves once ran wild in the hills of the Mexican and Arizona,j and the U.S. government helped farmers and ranchers eredicate the predator at the turn of the century. Now the government wants to expand speciecie – and that has some people worried and angry. Mexican Gray wolves were declared an endangered species in ...

Karla News

The Gray Wolf

The wolf. Canis lupis. Oftentimes the center of legends and myths as the ‘big bad’, wolves have gotten a bad rap, which they do not deserve at all. But no matter your opinion on the wolf, everyone has heard of them and many of us live with their descendents: the domesticated dog, the closest resemblance ...

Karla News

Traveling to New Jersey’s Lakota Wolf Preserve

We start out on a gorgeous late morning in early summer from Mount Laurel, New Jersey, and head for the mountains of the Delaware Water Gap up in Columbia, nearly two hours to the north of us. To reach our destination, we will spend considerable time on Highway 31, passing by numerous fields of cultivated ...

Karla News

10 Things to See and Do when Visiting Alaska

Whether you’re heading to Alaska by car, train, plane, or cruise ship, there are all sorts of things to see and do in this great state. Alaska cruises are popular since they offer wonderful views of icebergs and wild coastlines, but some of the best adventures are only available once you step on land. Here’s ...

Karla News

The Grey Wolf: Habits and Habitat

The Gray Wolf also called the Timber Wolf. It is the largest of the wolf breeds, standing from 26 to 36 inches at the shoulder. And it can weigh from 70 to 135 pounds. The Grey Wolf has a two-layered coat. While called the Gray Wolf it can be black, red, white, brown, or a ...