Articles for tag: Gray Wolf, Housetraining, Whelping

Karla News

Mother Dog Nesting Behavior

When a female dog makes a place for her puppies, it’s called making a nest. Feral or stray dogs often don’t bother making nests but digging burrows or taking over old burrows made by other animals. But a domesticated dog usually does not have the option of making a burrow, but she is still compelled ...

Karla News

Should You Own a Timber Wolf Dog?

There’s something fascinating about wolves which may be why interest in owning a timber wolf dog is so high. A timber wolf dog is a genetic cross between a gray wolf and a dog and these magnificent creatures are sometimes referred to as wolf hybrids. Although timber wolf dogs can make wonderful companions, there are ...

Karla News

The Origins of the Mighty Chihuahua

It is a common belief that all dogs may have their ancestry traced to that of the wolf, and the diminutive Chihuahua is of no exception. The animal’s family heritage is often disputed as the South American region does not have a native species of wolf. However, a smaller version of the common wolf, known ...

Karla News

How Many Species of Wolf Are There?

Debate on Numbers Some debate exists over how many species of wolves exist. Sources will list anywhere from two to six. This does not include the occasional addition of Canis familiaris (the domestic dog). In fact, the only type of wolf that has little to no debate over its species status is Canis lupus, the ...

Karla News

Mexican Gray Wolves Were Declared and Endangered Species in 1976

Mexican Wolves once ran wild in the hills of the Mexican and Arizona,j and the U.S. government helped farmers and ranchers eredicate the predator at the turn of the century. Now the government wants to expand speciecie – and that has some people worried and angry. Mexican Gray wolves were declared an endangered species in ...

Karla News

Wolf Trivia: Five Fun Facts About Wolves

Howling to appear bigger When wolves howl together, they do so on different pitches in order for their pack to seem larger to the ears of enemy packs. Each wolf has an individual voice and will choose a unique note from its pack mates to start its howl. If two wolves start on the same ...

Karla News

The Gray Wolf

The wolf. Canis lupis. Oftentimes the center of legends and myths as the ‘big bad’, wolves have gotten a bad rap, which they do not deserve at all. But no matter your opinion on the wolf, everyone has heard of them and many of us live with their descendents: the domesticated dog, the closest resemblance ...

Karla News

The Grey Wolf: Habits and Habitat

The Gray Wolf also called the Timber Wolf. It is the largest of the wolf breeds, standing from 26 to 36 inches at the shoulder. And it can weigh from 70 to 135 pounds. The Grey Wolf has a two-layered coat. While called the Gray Wolf it can be black, red, white, brown, or a ...