Articles for tag: Cheerleaders, Cliques, Goths, Studded Belts

Karla News

High School Stereotypes Explained

As a recent high school graduate, the different cliques and posses are still fresh in my mind. Such categories have been satirized in films such as Mean Girls and American Pie. Each one is a stereotype, one that unfortunately holds true most of the time. This article is for those people who aren’t exactly clear ...

Karla News

Who Were the Goths?

The Goths, during the time just after B.C. became A.D., were just a northern barbarian tribe that had settled along the shores of the Baltic Sea to gather amber and sell it. Though the goths came before the Vikings, both groups came from Scandinavia originally. If Roman writers who first observed this small but war-like ...

Karla News

Home Decorating Theme – Asian Goth

Contrary to popular belief, Goth style and décor is not all gloomy black. Actually, several types exist within this often misrepresented subculture. In this article we’ll explore home decorating ideas for a lesser known version, the Asian Goth. The appearance of an Asian Goth home would evoke a sense of the Orient. Glossy black or ...

Karla News

Five Gothic Makeup Tips from a Longtime Goth

In many ways, Gothic makeup is the most important part of achieving a Goth look. After all, in the dark of a nightclub, people can’t necessarily see your clothes, but they can definitely see your face. When I first got into the Gothic look as a teen, we didn’t have convenient Goth depots such as ...

Home Decorating Theme – Egyptian Goth

It’s a myth that everything a Goth owns is black and morbid. In reality, within this generally misunderstood subculture are several types and styles. In this article we’ll explore home decorating ideas for the Egyptian Goth. Evoking a sense of an Egyptian tomb, with all the precious treasures contained therein. Opulent and regal items such ...

Karla News

Best of Cordoba, Spain: Top 5 Attractions

To see where Christianity and Islam collided and fused, go to Cordoba, Spain, an ancient city in Andalucia, Spain’s southernmost province, situated some 75 miles (121 km) northeast of Seville. For here, in Cordoba, Romans, Goths, Jews, Moors and Christians triumphed and succumbed in succession, molding the city in their own image, to offer up ...

Karla News

Punk, Emo and Gothic Styles: They’re Not the Same Thing!

It has come to my attention that some people mix the terms of punk, emo and even gothic with no knowledge of any of the styles. There are even more subdivisions stemming from these. I’m not into labeling styles or people, but these are not the same! It’s even worse when people categorize all punk ...