Articles for tag: Gospels

Karla News

A Summary of the Gospel According to John: John’s Unique Witness

The Gospel According to John contains some of the best known words and phrases used in the Christian church. It is unique among the four canonical Gospels in that it focuses more on the spiritual aspects of the life of Jesus rather than on the historical events of His life. John, far more directly than ...

The Categories of the New Testament Books

The New Testament consists of 27 separate books arranged in categories. Just as there are four basic categories of books in the Old Testament– the Torah (Law), the History Books, the Poetical Books (or Writings), and the Prophets-there are also four categories of New Testament books. They are: The Gospels-The first four books of the ...

Karla News

The Jews and the Crucifixion of Jesus

In the interest of disclosure, it is worth stating that I consider myself basically a Christian, but with a somewhat unorthodox perspective. That said, I wanted to address something that I saw on TV recently; specifically, a commentator made a reference to the negative portrayal of Jews in Mel Gibson’s movie from a few years ...