Articles for tag: Command Line, Google Music, Puppy Linux

Karla News

Ubuntu Vs. Microsoft Windows

Unless you’ve been living underneath a rock for the last 5 years, you may have heard of Ubuntu, the most popular distribution of the Linux operating system. Ubuntu is the easiest version of Linux to use, by far. But how does it square up against Microsoft Windows? The best thing about Ubuntu, or any version ...

Karla News

Is Ubuntu the Best Linux Distribution Available?

I have become a creature of habit when it comes to Linux. I tried Lubuntu, hated it because it was so basic, so primitive then tried Ubuntu. I was running Ubuntu via Wubi for a minute and got by okay, realized that I was running a 64-bit version of Ubuntu kicked my swap file up ...

How Memory Works on Tablets

I figured I would write a post to explain to laymen the limitations of Android tablets, and how memory works. There seems to be a bit of confusion about memory on a tablet. Android tablets have three different types of memory; internal RAM, micro-SD, and SD. Think of internal RAM as the amount of memory ...

Karla News

What You’ll Gain (and Lose) by Rooting Your Nook

“Rooting” a tablet or smartphone means bypassing the restrictions the manufacturer places on what you can do with it. In the case of the Nook Color and Nook Tablet, the most common goal is to install a custom ROM — an alternative operating system, like the full and unmodified version of Android. Instructions for how ...

Karla News

Three Google Products that Nobody Wanted (Besides the Upcoming ‘Glass’)

As The Atlantic Wire’s Rebecca Greenfield put it, “Sergey Brin’s Masculinity is Threatened by Smartphones.” Calling them “emasculating,” he went on to tout the amazingness of wearing a computer on your face instead — specifically, the upcoming Google Glass, which will supposedly cost about $1,500 and will let you record video and see augmented reality ...