Articles for tag: Glenn Ford, Music Teacher

The Past Lives of Glenn Ford

A French cavalry officer. An 18th Century Scottish music teacher. A Christian facing the lions in the Colosseum. Where might the late Glenn Ford turn up next? It’s well-known that the actor, who died recently, was a serious student of psychic experiences. Ford underwent hypnosis years ago as part of an investigation into the possibility ...

Karla News

10 Must See Westerns on Netflix Instant

In the last 20 years there have been very few Westerns that were worth paying the insane price of movie tickets. There have been a few gems like Tombstone and 3:10 to Yuma but most of the great Westerns are decades old. Fortunately there are many great westerns that can be seen on Netflix Instant. ...

Karla News

The Femme Fatale Actresses of the 1940’s

In the 1940’s as well as the 1950’s Hollywood studios were turning out murder and drama mysteries by the dozen. It was the era when these type of movies were very popular with the public and what made the box offices click and made the studios huge profits. In these particular movies you always seemed ...

Karla News

Chateau Marmont – Hollywood’s Celebrity Hideout Hotel

The Chateau Marmont Hotel in West Hollywood will unfortunately always be remembered as the place where Saturday Night Live comedian John Belushi died of a drug overdose. Fortunately, Chateau Marmont is also known as a lush hideaway for the rich and famous in the center of the bustling and legendary Sunset Strip. Schwab’s Drugstore, the ...