Articles for tag: Ginseng

Mayo Clinic Research: Ginseng May Benefit Cancer Patients

Reuters News has reported on medical studies whose findings were reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Society. The article, “Flaxseed, ginseng show benefit in cancer treatment” was written by Julie Steenhuysen and published by Reuters News. Doctors are looking at the effectiveness of alternative treatments that patients often take on ...

Karla News

How to Collect Wild Ginseng in the State of Ohio

American Ginseng, which is closely related to the Asian type, is one plant that consumers across the globe clamor for. Most of the Ginseng that’s grown and collected in North America is exported to Asia. Ginseng is prized as being an herb that is healthful to the human body. It’s credited with having anti-aging properties; ...

Karla News

Asian Ginseng Medicinal Uses and Information

Asian ginseng, which is also known as Korean ginseng or Panax ginseng is one of the most common herbs used today to help increase energy and restore mental alertness. Asisan ginseng is closely related to American ginseng as both of these forms of ginseng are comprised of the same active compounds. Within Asian ginseng there ...

Karla News

The Amazing Benefits of Ginseng Root

A perennial plant, ginseng grows between 7 to 21 inches in height when wild. The plant takes only 5-6 years to grow, yet the roots can stay alive for over 100 years. The root is creamy yellow or white in color, and it branches off sometimes in the shape of a person. Ginseng grows naturally ...

The Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea

Is it surprising that, after water, tea is the #1 beverage that’s consumed around the globe? Whether it’s drunk hot or cold, there’s no “wrong” time to drink tea. It can wake you up in the morning, settle your tummy after lunchtime, give you a “pick-me-up” in the afternoon and relax you so you sleep ...

Ginseng and How it Affetcs the Body

Ginseng is an herbal supplement that is becoming more and more popular in today’s society. Tests have been done on both animals and humans to determine if this supplement does, in fact, have the healthful benefits that it is believed to have. The effectiveness has not always been definitively proven. Much more research is needed ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Panax Ginseng Extract

Panax ginseng extract or simply ginseng is a very popular herb in Asia as well as Europe. This herb grows extensively in the northern parts of China, Korea, Japan as well as Nepal and this is has been used as a traditional herb for curing many ailments such as headaches, stress, blood pressure etc. This ...