Articles for tag: Garden Pests, Get Rid of Flies, Guava, Ripening, Wasps

Karla News

Pest Control for Guava Fruit

A member of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), guavas are the pear-shaped fruit of evergreen shrubs or small trees. The common apple guava and the feijoa guava (Feijoa sellowiana), also known as pineapple guava or guavasteen, prefer warm summers and cool winters. The hardy shrub is well-suited for cultivation in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones ...

Karla News

Novel Ways to Get Rid of House Flies

Springtime always brings the annoying onset of houseflies proceeded by the often frustrating efforts to rid our homes of them. No matter what we do, they always seem to sneak through momentarily opened doors or briefly cracked windows. Here are a few ways to get rid of flies, some more widely known methods and others ...

Karla News

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Flies

Flies are exceptionally annoying, and it seems that no matter how quickly people close doors; flies sometimes make their way inside the house and garage. Even more mysteriously, flies seem to appear from nowhere, even when doors haven’t been opened, and window screens are intact. If pesky houseflies inundate your home or garage on a ...

Karla News

Getting Rid of Whiteflies on Plants

Greenhouse whiteflies are a scourge that affects houseplants and summer gardens. If you have noticed whiteflies on plants, it is time to get a handle on the problem. These tiny pests will not go away on their own. Instead, they are surprisingly vigorous. There are a number of whitefly treatments commercially available, yet before you ...

Karla News

5 Common Fall / Autumn House Pests

As the temperatures start to drop, these critters may look for a warmer place to live. They need a home with plenty of food, a source of water, and a place to crash. Your house is perfect! Be on the lookout for these insects and animals so you can head them off at the door, ...

Karla News

Natural Home Remedies for Controlling Pest Insects & Bugs

When it comes to pest control, you can spend all sorts of money hiring exterminators or buying smelly (and often toxic) sprays and chemicals for your home, but in some cases, you may not need to go to such extremes. There are a lot of completely natural insect and pest control remedies out there, many ...

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Maggots in the House

Finding maggots in the house can be a nightmare, especially when they suddenly appear in great numbers on floors, under kitchen appliances, and in sinks in areas where food is prepared. These are just a few of the areas in a house where maggots can appear. Use this information to get rid of maggots in ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Flies Naturally

Summer is quickly approaching and that means party, but it also means the onset of flies. With today’s “going green” way of life, it would seem almost impossible to deter flies without the use of chemicals. That is not the case, with the help of nature and the people at www.howtogetridofstuff and, there are ...

Karla News

Kill Indoor Bugs Without Pesticides

No one wants to see bugs inside the house, but most of us are a bit hesitant to use dangerous pesticides to kill them. This is especially true in homes with small children or pets. Thankfully, there are safer options for getting rid of most indoor bugs. Whether you have an overrun of ants, flies, ...