Articles for tag: Gerbils

Karla News

Gerbil Health: Tyzzer’s Disease

Tyzzer’s disease can kill gerbils quickly. Because gerbils are prey animals, they tend to hide any signs that they are sick. If a predator ever saw a sick gerbil, that gerbil would be easier to kill than a healthy gerbil. Gerbil caretakers need to observe their pets every day in order to learn how their ...

Karla News

Gerbil Facts & Advice for Owners

Gerbils are somewhat like hamsters but they look somewhat difference in appearance. Gerbils have longer tails, are more slender and they are also longer. It’s essential to buy a cage which a gerbil cannot escape from. If there is a door on the cage I would recommend using a twist tie to keep the door ...

Karla News

Five First Pet Ideas for Kids

When it comes to finding a pet that is just the right fit for your family, it does not really have to be that complicated. There are plenty of pets to choose from, and some are easier to care for than others. The best part is that there are many pets that are more affordable ...

Karla News

Life Spans of Domesticated Gerbils

Gerbils make great pets, but one drawback is their short lifespan. How long do gerbils live? The oldest pet gerbils live to be five years old, but the average gerbil life span is three years. There are many things a gerbil owner can do to have a gerbil live a long, healthy life. Gerbil Life ...

Karla News

Choosing the Best Cages for Gerbils

If gerbils were humans, they’d be mountain climbers. They possess an insatiable desire to explore. This desire has its disadvantages for the gerbil owner. If you don’t choose the right cage, your gerbils will constantly escape, which could get them killed. But you also want the cage to be large enough to play about and ...

Karla News

Fish Make Great First Pets for Children

There comes a time in the life of all parents when their children start begging them for a pet. Often, the negotiations start with things like ponies and dinosaurs, dwindle rapidly to dogs and snakes, and then settle somewhere in the hamster and gecko range. Indeed, parents can get bombarded by requests for all sorts ...

Karla News

Foods that Gerbils Love the Most

Gerbils are exceptionally cute and a lot of fun, and people that keep these little critters as pets know that they have individual personalities. They also have distinct likes and dislikes when it comes to food, and it takes trial and error to discover their favorites. Offer foods that gerbils seem to love the most ...

Karla News

Hamsters Vs. Gerbils: Which Rodent Is a Better Pet?

To most people, there isn’t much of a difference between a pet gerbil and a pet hamster. Both eat a similar diet, live in similar captive habitats, and require a similar amount of care. Despite their superficial similarities, these two rodents are actually quite different in many critical ways. There is no clear benefit to ...

Karla News

10 Reasons Why Rats Make the Best First Pets for Kids

Rats make perfect first pets for kids, and for many reasons. Look past the “gross” factor, and get rid of the images in your head of giant rats in sewers carrying diseases. It is not true. Rats have many attributes that make them perfect first pets for kids. They are better than a cat or ...