Articles for tag: Bradley Cooper, Georgetown University

Karla News

Hot and Hotter: Bradley Cooper and Ryan Gosling

Bradley Cooper was recently voted the sexiest actor in America. Ryan Gosling fans were up in arms believing Gosling to be the sexiest man alive. Both men are serious eye candy, but how do they compare? Bradley Cooper was introduced to the world by HBO as a fling for Carrie Bradshaw on “Sex and the ...

Karla News

Little Known Facts About Patrick Ewing

Little known facts about Patrick Ewing could be hard to discover. When you are seven feet tall and weigh in at around 240 pounds as Patrick Ewing did during his playing years, it’s hard for people to miss a single step you take. That he was a great high school and college athlete are not ...

Karla News

Best Schools for Paralegal Training

The paralegal profession is one of the hottest fields around. One can find paralegal training almost everywhere; therein lies the problem. Because the paralegal profession is so popular, one can safely assume that the field will quickly become over-crowded. Therefore, if you are pursuing a paralegal career, you must do something that will set you ...

Karla News

Where to Volunteer in Washington, DC

Have you found yourself with a little spare time? Do your days seem long and boring with nothing to do? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, then I have one suggestion for you. Get out and volunteer! Volunteering will take up your spare time, plus you’ll be helping the needy in ...