Articles for tag: Designer Babies, Fertility Clinics, Genetic Engineering

Karla News

DNA and Embryo Technology

All living things contain DNA. DNA is basically a chemical that contains all of the information about us (in code form.) DNA is what makes your hair start to turn grey on your 18th birthday. It is what causes your ear lobes to become attached or detached during the development process and it even determines ...

Genetic Engineering Drawbacks

When people think about genetic engineering, the first thought that comes to mind is often about corn and pest resistant varieties of soybean. Things that are somewhat removed from everyday life. Things left to scientists and biologists. People most likely wouldn’t think that this technology could one day soon play a much greater role in ...

Karla News

Human Cloning and Genetic Engineering: Ethical?

For many years the concept of cloning has been has been discussed, debated, and depicted in science fiction movies and novels. With modern technology, it is likely that human cloning is now possible. In 1997, a Scottish man, Ian Wilmut, announced that he had successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly. It became apparent that the ...