Articles for tag: American Foxhound, Gdv, Goldens, Mixed Breed Dogs

Karla News

Top Dog Breeds for Children

After much begging, you make the announcement that you will allow your child to have a dog. After all, a dog will teach your children great responsibility and will allow them to have another friend they can play with. But, the question seems, what is the appropriate breed of dog for my child? The list ...

Karla News

Common Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

As a vet tech working in an emergency hospital, I see vomiting dogs a lot. It is probably one of the most common problems that are seen by vets, and there are many reasons behind it. Some are easy to fix, but other times it can be more serious. Below is a list of what ...

Karla News

Symptoms and Care for Canine Bloat

A serious condition that is more prevalent in the larger breed of dog is bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). Having witnessed this situation in our beloved Golden Retriever, I can attest to the severity of bloat if left unattended. If you note your dog exhibiting such extreme symptoms such as panic, restlessness and ...

Karla News

Dog Breeds Most Prone to Bloat

Bloat is the common name for gastric torsion or gastric dilation volvolvus (GDV.) It is similar to colic in horses except that it is far deadlier in dogs. Although there is still a lot we do not know about bloat, it seems to be a problem of the dog’s digestive system which may be genetic. ...