Articles for tag: Asatru, Barbarians, Gaul, Goths

Karla News

Who Were the Goths?

The Goths, during the time just after B.C. became A.D., were just a northern barbarian tribe that had settled along the shores of the Baltic Sea to gather amber and sell it. Though the goths came before the Vikings, both groups came from Scandinavia originally. If Roman writers who first observed this small but war-like ...

Karla News

Mark Antony: Caesar’s Staunchest Ally

Roman military and political leader and triumvir, eldest son of Antonius Creticus and grandson of Marcus Antonius, the Roman orator. Having served under Gabinius in Syria (57), he joined Caesar, to whom he was related on his mother’s side, in Gaul (54) and became one of his most trusted officers and devoted supporters. On his ...

Karla News

Julius Caesar’s Description of Gaul and its Tribes in The Gallic War

The best description of Gaul around the birth of Christ comes from Julius Caesar. During his conquest of Gaul he managed to compile a journal which became known as The Gallic War, which is the primary source that derives all the information for this article. When reading Caesar’s account it is important to remember that ...

Karla News

Greatest Mountains of the Tour De France

Great climbers usually win the Tour de France. Dozens of famous and infamous peaks have been used during stages and as finishing summits. Although some climbs remain nearly the same every time they’re contested, Tour organizers also look for mountain innovation, like the introduction of the climb to L’Alpe d’Huez as an individual time trial ...

Karla News

Overview of Julius Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul

Introduction Julius Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul is in the tradition of reports by Roman military commanders, but at the same time, is like a novel in that it is composed in a literary style. Apart from its being propaganda for Caesar, the work has a documentary purpose. Caesar records his deeds for posterity (7-24). Caesar’s ...