Articles for tag: Anemia, Gastritis, Neuropathic Pain, Pernicious Anemia, Roux-en-Y

What is Pernicious Anemia

Pernicious anemia (also known as Biermier’s anemia , Addison anemia , or Addison-Biermer anemia ) is one of the many types of megaloblastic anemia1 and is caused by the loss of gastric parietal cells and the subsequent inability to absorb vitamin B 12 . Usually seated in an atrophic gastritis, the autoimmune destruction of gastric ...

Karla News

Bleeding Digestive Tract Causes

There are many causes of bleeding in the digestive tract. But when digestive tract bleeding occurs, it occurs most often as a sign of another digestive problem rather than a disease itself. Some may be mild and often can be managed, while other causes of bleeding in the tract are life-threatening. It is important to ...

Karla News

Why is the Dog Hacking Up White Foam?

Disclaimer: Please do not use this article in place of a veterinarian’s diagnosis. Pony raced out of the house, licking her lips and gulping frantically. As soon as her feet touched the grass, she vomited up thin white foam. Pony is my British mongrel. Since February of 2006 she vomited up foam nearly every morning. ...

Gastritis-More Than a Mere Stomach Ache

Gastritis-Symptoms Of Gastritis Gastritis is defined as the inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis is actually a group of problems, all causing this inflammation of the stomach lining. Some symptoms can wait before you hit the doctors, while trying a diet change and over the counter medicines. Others are far more serious and need to ...