Articles for tag: Dress Up, Garden Insects, Garden Party, Garden Party Ideas, Party Plan

Karla News

Five Party Theme Ideas for Girls

Your little girl’s birthday is coming up, and you may be thinking of different theme ideas for her birthday party. Maybe you want to make a small list and let her choose from it. Planning a theme for a party can be a lot of fun, and can give you an idea on what kind ...

Karla News

A Colorful Ant Found Throughout Florida

The velvet ant (insect family Mutillidae) or cow killer is a unique insect that can be found in Florida. It is called a velvet ant because of the silky-looking hair that covers its body. This vividly colored coat is usually in shades of red to orange with black stripes. The other common name, cow killer, ...

Karla News

Easy and Efficient Wasp Traps

There’s nothing worse than enjoying an outdoor activity only to get swarmed by hungry wasps looking for food. With a few household items and a little ingenuity, however, you can create a bait trap for these pests that will keep your area of activity clear of them. Hornets and yellow jackets are the most common ...

Karla News

Homemade Garden Insecticides

Garden insects can destroy vegetables, fruits, flowers, and bushes in a matter of days if they go unnoticed, but many people prefer not to use chemical insecticide to prevent, control, and kill garden insects. This leaves homemade options that are less harsh to the environment and safer for use around kids and pets, but do ...